A Bold Step in Style

Your outfit will always reflect your mood that you aim to portray, Some find comfort in simple designs such as pastel colors and plain patterns which exude a sense of innocence and youth while others aim to show the world that they are strong both inside and out with the use of strong colors and bold prints which display power and independence. Many others reveal a vigorous grasp and joy of life by spicing their outfits with the most current fashion trends.
Along with the many moods that come with different outfits. Your choice of footwear also plays a major factor in your overall ensemble. With this in mind, Via Venetto is proud to showcase one of the latest trends that are currently famous in the fashion capitals of the world with the release of their all new line of exotic reptile textures in footwear and handbags that aim to reflect a flair for style along with an aura of beauty and confidence. The designs come in casual classic ballerinas, timeless, prim, sling backs, au courant platforms, and hip and trendy Oxfords.
As a mainstay in the Filipino Footwear industry Via Venetto has been creating quality footwear for the past 45 years and pride themselves for their fatto a mano or made by hand approach which are created by the best Filipino craftsmen using the world’s finest leathers. A pair of Via Venetto shoes will serve in comfort and style for many, many years. In the long run, your Via Venetto pair will be the more practical and economical choice.
Find your perfect pair at any Via Venetto branch in a shopping center near you or visit their website at www.viavenetto-phil.com