Via Venetto - Style Shared By GenerationsThe established ladies of Philippine society and the young up-and-coming style iconscan always meet and agree when it comes to timeless aesthetics. Indeed, those whoarenot locked onto the ideas of the past can freely sample the newest and best ofthe present, and their youthful counterparts can likewise benefit from the classics asthese are improved and brought up to date. This is what Via Venetto has been doingfor generations of women, and continues to do so with unwavering passion.
Via Venetto has been the brand of choice and the go-to label for generations, whichis hardly surprising. It has leaned on the continuous improvement of the Marikinashoemaker’s skill and artistry, brought to the present millennium by constantinnovation and a steadfast commitment to what is beautiful,
fashionable,COMFORTABLE, DURABLE and sophisticated. Via Venetto, now led by Tsarina“Tsin” Pajaro-Inocian, an award-winning industrial designer, a graduate of the UPCollege of Fine Arts, known for her work in shoes and jewelry, puts all of thistogether and takes them beyond the next level of elegance. She is now bringing herdesign expertise and has joined with the artful, highly skilled craftsmen of Marikina topresent the public with nothing less than the best shoes in the market for the modernand powerful woman.
Via Venetto’s enduring presence in the market is due, in large part, to its constantability to remain current, reaching for the future innovations in shoemaking,celebrating the present, all while honoring the classic and traditional. As a result,each and every pair presented with pride to the Filipina shoe lover is a testament tothe union of artistry and reliability, of elegance and durability. This is the Via Venetto brand and it will continue to cater to even more to the true ladies of discriminatingtaste with an eye for uncompromising quality, distinction, and refinement.
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